Iowa unemployment weekly benefit amount 2020. 00 BEN 548 (11/2020) ᶧ 820 ILCS 405/401 Page 1 of 15.
Iowa unemployment weekly benefit amount 2020 Version 3 . The maximum length of Iowa unemployment benefits is 16 - 26 weeks. Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: October 1, 2022 – December 30, 2022 . murphy@iwd. Recipients must be able and available to work. 8. The largest were: Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) which increased the weekly benefit Using the Iowa unemployment calculator, you can estimate your weekly benefit amount. Your PUA weekly benefit amount is calculated under the rules outlined in 20 CFR 625. claimant received The benefits of $254. $605 with four dependents Table 2 shows annual totals for initial unemployment insurance (UI) claims, UI weeks compensated, number of individual UI recipients, amount of benefits paid, average weekly benefit, and average duration in weeks per claimant from calendar year (CY) 2008 to 2020. Important Links and Resources Beyond filing a claim, get access to the claimant handbook, information about But if what you’d get is less than half of Iowa’s average weekly unemployment benefit, you’ll be bumped up to that halfway point. 96 $203 Kansas $382. 39 $126. STEP TWO: FILE YOUR WEEKLY CLAIM • Total amount of gross holiday, vacation and severance pay, if applicable 2020. Although additional money ($300 extra per week) was available under the temporary Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program, that program expired on September 6, 2021 (or earlier, in states that cut off these benefits before the program ended). Your Weekly Benefit Amount in Iowa is determined by dividing your earnings in your highest quarter of the base period by 23, more if you have dependents. Her weekly benefit amount was determined to be $393. 13(2) and 24. 5(1) and 96. 78 March 2020. 50 $693. c. The average weekly benefit (AWB) The Iowa unemployment insurance program is run by the Iowa Unemployment Insurance Division. Iowa Code § 96. gov. Iowa $384. 32(1)a provides: 2020, (reference 0) unemployment insurance decision is 1 affirmed. 09 $206 Kansas $385. 00, since filing a claim with an effective date of March 1, 2019. Unemployment Insurance Tax: (888) 848-7442 The unemployment rate and labor force data described on this page (and linked above) comes from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program, which is a Federal-State cooperative effort in which monthly and annual estimates of total labor force, employment, and unemployment are prepared. provide benefits to certain individuals who are ineligible for or who have exhausted entitlement to regular unemployment compensation (UC) or extended benefits (EB). 18 View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 5/6/2020. The maximum benefit amount (MBA) during you benefit year is 26 times your weekly benefit amount (WBA) or one-third of you total base-period wages, whichever is less. Her weekly benefit amount was determined to be $254. All claimants can receive a standard 26 weeks of benefits. View Bulletin Related Notices. 11 $189. The claimant is eligible for benefits, provided he meets all other eligibility requirements. That is for claimants with at least four dependents who earned The number of continuing weekly unemployment claims is 128,819. 2) Greater of $20 or 20% WBA : Montana: Your weekly earnings are less than twice your weekly benefit amount Your weekly benefit amount will not be reduced if you earn less than 1/4 of your weekly benefit amount and prior to establishing his unemployment insurance claim by earning 10 times his weekly benefits amount from insured work. They remain disqualified until such time as they requalify for benefits by working and earning insured wages ten times their weekly benefit amount. Jobless workers in every state get this extra $600 a week through, July 31, 2020, on top of what the unemployed receive from their regular state unemployment benefits. The Bill: • Modifies the weekly benefit amount (WBA) that is subject to the maximum percentage of the equal to the weekly benefit amount as calculated under state law based on recent earnings, the be compensated on this benefit is the week beginning March 29, 2020 and the last week is the week ending July 25, 2020. The weekly benefit amount for PEUC is the same amount an individual receives for regular unemployment benefits. The claimant received benefits from October 4, The claimant is overpaid unemployment insurance benefits. If you collect wages while on UI benefits, the state will disregard an amount equal to 1/2 of your WBA. The benefit year is one year from the claim effective date. If you have recently filed an unemployment insurance claim and have exhausted your benefits, please contact Iowa Workforce Development at 866-239-0843. 5(2)a – Discharge for Misconduct Iowa Code § 96. 13 $206. These programs were paid for by federal funds. All unemployment insurance benefits are fully taxable on your federal and state income taxes. worked in and been paid wages for insured work equal to ten times claimant’s weekly benefit amount, provided claimant is otherwise eligible. 13 - Deductible and nondeductible payments (1) Procedures for deducting payments from benefits. Minimum Qualifying Wages: Statewide Average Maximum WBA In Base Period = $1600 Weekly Wage ᶧ (SAWW) Individual TABLE 1 OF WEEKLY BENEFIT AMOUNTS More than 25 million people are currently receiving enhanced UI payments. Benefits are paid until the Maximum Benefit Amount (MBA) is reached or the benefit year ends. MILITARY CLAIM. If Iowa terminates participation in any of the federal programs, employers should be • Revises the language of Iowa Code section 96. Add to this the $300 weekly benefit from the federal pandemic legislation, which lasts through September 6, 2021. Title: individuals who have exhausted their 26 weeks of regular state unemployment benefits. A statutorily-required annual review of wages covered by unemployment insurance has triggered the increase. Grand Ave. Administrative Law Judge . The parties were properly notified about the hearing. 0 dependents (maximum of $481) 3/17/2020 4:44:29 PM DES MOINES, IOWA (July 1, 2021) — Iowa Workforce Development has announced there will be an increase to the amount of maximum weekly benefits paid to unemployed Iowans and to workers injured on the job beginning July 4, 2021. Iowa Administrative Code rule 871-24. Hi Andy. 69 $176 *Based on Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) for Total Unemployment 10/01/2019 through 09/30/2020 Data supplied by U. Claimants who received benefits they were not entitled to receive are responsible for paying the money back to Iowa Workforce Development (IWD), regardless of why the payment The maximum benefit amount you can get in unemployment benefits is either 16 times your weekly benefit amount or a third of your overall wages during the base period, whichever is lower. 00 per week from May 17, 2020, to the week ending June13, 2020. It answers common questions and contains general information. STEP TWO: FILE YOUR WEEKLY CLAIM • Total amount of gross holiday, vacation and severance pay, if applicable AMOUNT OF MONEY RECEIVED WITH UI. 65 PEUC $335. 5(2)a – Discharge for Misconduct STATEMENT OF THE CASE: The claimant/appellant filed an appeal from the February 4, 2021 (reference 01) unemployment insurance decision that denied unemployment insurance benefits to the claimant based upon the claimant’s discharge from employment. Weekly Benefit Amount: April 1, 2020 – June 30, 2020 STATES AWBA* 50% AWBA CALCULATION MINIMUM WBA Iowa $410. Unemployment Insurance Appeals - Fax: (515) 478-3528. There were national economic recessions during 2008, 2009, and 2020, increasing claims and benefits paid from the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund. • Reduces the maximum benefit payable from 39 weeks to 26 weeks for individuals whose employers have gone out of business. 57 in 2018. 57 $191. 14 $119 Arkansas $260. About half of claimants draw the maximum weekly benefit. 16 $175 Kansas $351. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Iowa. The amount of those wages in weekly benefits depends on whether the worker has dependents and, if so, how many. 17 $205. 18 $131 California $323. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2020 . 81 $192. Partial benefit checks are usually paid when the claimant's number of hours worked per week is reduced and the claimant is working all available hours. Regular unemployment insurance benefits are allowed, provided she is otherwise eligible. Williamson Administrative Law Judge Unemployment Insurance Appeals Bureau Iowa Workforce Development 1000 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0209 Fax (515)478-3528 PUA is payable retroactively to eligible individuals for weeks beginning on or after January 27, 2020, and ending on or before December 31, 2020. The CARES Act also includes eligibility for those receiving unemployment insurance benefits in any amount to be paid an additional $600 weekly benefit. The Bill: • Modifies the weekly benefit amount (WBA) that is subject to the maximum percentage of the calculated based on the same formula used to determine regular unemployment compensation. For any week with respect to which or a part of which an individual has received or is seeking unemployment benefits under an unemployment Iowa: $602 (Individual) up to $739 (w/dependents) IA Workforce Development: 26: Kansas: $612: Maximum Weekly Unemployment Insurance Benefit Amounts (WBA) by State . 41 Weekly Benefit maximum payments are dependent on the number of dependents a claimant claims. Unemployment Insurance Benefits: (866) 239-0843. shall be deducted from the individual's weekly benefit amount on the basis of the formula used to compute an individual's weekly benefit payment as provided in rule 871—24. 2020. 92 $202. 96 $161. Exceptions may apply for part-time workers. 37 of unemployment insurance benefits were paid to claimants for the same week. A lump-sum payment for accrued leave, retirement payments, educational assistance allowances and disability payments and may reduce unemployment insurance benefit amounts. NOTE: Overpayment amounts include gross payments you received and payments made on your behalf to revenue agencies for tax withholdings or to the Child Support Recovery Unit. 5(2)(a) (regarding requalification following separation from employment). , Des Moines, IA 50319. 86 in 2019, up from $47,290. File and/or continue to file your weekly claim online. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Unemployment Insurance number of individual UI recipients, amount of benefits paid, average weekly benefit, and average duration in weeks per claimant from CY 2008 to 2022. The average weekly benefit (AWB) The claimant filed for unemployment insurance benefits with an effective date of March15, 2020. The following table shows the minimum and maximum weekly unemployment benefit amounts and contact information for unemployment benefits in each state. An individual’s weekly benefit amount, as determined for the first week of the individual’s benefit year, shall constitute the individual’s weekly benefit amount throughout such benefit Benefit Amount/Wage Requirements Benefit Amount. It provides weekly benefits to employees who are out of work through no fault of their own. S. ) Maximum WBA w/ Spouse w/ Child $1,072. Additionally, subsistence allowance for vocational rehabilitation training or a war orphan’s (or widow’s) educational assistance allowance, payable by the Department of Office of Unemployment Insurance . 3(7)a-b, as amended in 2008, provides: 7. 19 $127 Alaska $278. 35 $208. This ensures claimants have re-entered the workforce and demonstrated a The supplemental benefits program ended on July 31, 2020. Weekly Payment: Maximum Benefits Amount (1 year) Min: Max: 8-26 weeks: $73: $493: 12,506: How To Apply for Iowa Unemployment Benefits. 4 of 33 revised January 5, 2021 Contents Intro to Iowa’s Unemployment Insurance Program (UI). 29 $118. exhausted other unemployment insurance benefits, and those who may not have sufficient work history to qualify for a regular state claim. Iowa Code section 96. Know what is a base period and calculate your UI benefit amount using our base period calculator for unemployment. If you are presently filing weekly claims for unemployment benefits, carry on filing your jobs less than the individual’s weekly benefit amount plus fifteen dollars. 6 and is then increased by the $600 FPUC payment. UI statistics are used for the following: federal workload reporting, determining triggers for extended benefits programs, describing the size and scope of the minimum benefit amounts paid to jobless workers. 5 mandates that claimants secure new employment and earn at least ten times their weekly benefit amount to be reconsidered for eligibility. Id. Maximum unemployment pay varies state by state, and the average unemployment benefit is $385 per week nationwide, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. South Dakota reemployment assistance weekly benefit amounts range between $28 and $532 per week. Recovery of overpayment of benefits. Department of benefits paid fell from $1,254 million in 2020 to $260 million in 2023. 98 $162 An individual’s “weekly benefit amount” means the amount of benefits the individual would be entitled to receive for one week of total unemployment. The benefit amount will be equal to the weekly benefit amount as calculated under state law based on recent earnings, WBA Weekly Benefit Amount . WBA+(Greater of $20 or WBA*0. Like DUA, PUA has a defined assistance period, and a set minimum Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) which is determined based on each state’s average WBA for regular UC. SIGNIFICANT PROVISIONS OF STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LAWS . richardson@legis. Unemployment Insurance Appeals - In Iowa: (800) 532-1483. 6767) eric. To calculate the WBA, the wages in the Most claimants can receive unemployment insurance (UI) benefits for up to 16 weeks (in some cases, 26 weeks). 281. 56 $207 Kansas $417. PEUC is available for weeks of unemployment beginning on or after March 29, 2020, and continuing through the week ending December 26, 2020. The new rates are: Iowa Workforce Development officials noted that about half of those eligible for unemployment insurance benefits have enough earnings to qualify for the maximum benefit. DES MOINES, IOWA – Iowa Workforce Development, as part of its required annual review of unemployment insurance wages, announced that the maximum weekly benefit for unemployed Iowans and will increase for claims filed effective July 7, 2024 While you’re receiving benefits, you must also register for work and complete reemployment activities on a weekly basis. Anything over 20 percent is deducted from your weekly benefit amount. Any permanent law changes made to State unemployment insurance laws after January 1, 2020, regardless of reason, will be included in the 2021 edition of this publication. 5(1)(g) and 96. Most unemployment claims have a maximum of 16 times the Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA). States may change their benefit amounts at any time, so amounts included here may not be The maximum weekly unemployment benefit in Iowa will increase on July 4, Iowa Workforce Development said Wednesday. 65 $194. An increase in the amount of wages covered by unemployment insurance triggered the rise in benefits. Kansas Claimants’ weekly benefit amounts are based on their high quarter earnings, subject to averaged the above maximums . gov/verify. minimum benefit amounts paid to jobless workers. The new benefit payment schedules apply to individuals who file The average weekly benefit amount for each unemployment insurance benefit program (not including FPUC benefit) is: UI Program Average Weekly Benefit Amount State UI $390. gov Fiscal Note Version – New Description House File 754 relates to unemployment insurance benefits. After your PEUC expires, at the latest by Sept. After receiving guidance from the U. Unemployment Insurance Benefits: (866) 239-0843 Iowa Code 96. 13(3) made to an individual claiming benefits shall be deducted from benefits in accordance with the following procedures until the amount is exhausted; however, vacation pay which is deductible . 8 billion unemployment trust fund to pay unemployment benefits in the event of an economic downturn. 32 $174. BENEFITS COVERAGE TAXES Earnings/ Employment Needed in Base Period to Qualify Computation of Weekly Benefit Amount Weekly Benefit Amount1 Weekly Earnings Disregarded Calculation of Maximum Benefit Iowaメs unemployment insurance benefits program provides unemployment compensation to eligible Iowa workers who have become unemployed. Your weekly benefit amount (WBA) is the amount you receive for weeks you are eligible for benefits. gov Fiscal Note Version – New Description Senate File 492 relates to unemployment insurance benefits. 5(1) – Voluntary Quit STATEMENT OF THE CASE: On July 25, 2020, the claimant filed an appeal from the July 16, 2020, (reference 01) unemployment insurance decision that denied benefits based on voluntary quit. How Much is Iowa Unemployment? The Iowa unemployment department has a system for determining how much your weekly unemployment payment amount will be. Iowa Unemployment Benefits, Amount, Services & Filing; New York Unemployment Iowa Code § 96. Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits are available for people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. 1 Section 904 of Social Security Act of 1935. I trying to figure out how long a Floridian can collect if benefits began in May 2020. 90 $193 *Based on Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) As a result of the change, the maximum weekly unemployment benefit in Iowa will increase to $651 from $605. For 2024, the maximum weekly benefit is $854, and for 2023, it is $830. The Weekly Benefit Amount: January 1, 2022 – March 31, 2022 STATES AWBA* 50% AWBA CALCULATION MINIMUM WBA Iowa $413. _____ Adrienne C. “Contributions An overpayment occurs when unemployment insurance (UI) benefits are paid to a claimant who is later determined to have been ineligible or not entitled to those benefits. 38 $175. The 2022 taxable wage base will be $34,800. Benefit amounts ranged from a minimum of $72 a week to a maximum of $739 a week. This visit workforce. The new benefit payment schedules apply to individuals who file Steps to filing for Unemployment Insurance Benefits 1. If the claimant's gross earnings during a week are less than the claimant's weekly benefit amount plus $15, the claimant may be entitled to benefits for partial unemployment. 2 concerning guidance for unemployment insurance (UI). gov This handbook explains your rights and responsibilities when filing an unemployment insurance (UI) benefits claim. Any payment defined under subrules 24. Iowa Admin. A claim in which there are military wages earned during the base period. The CAA extended these benefits §96. S The administrative record reflects that claimant has received unemployment benefits in the amount of $1,104. 80 $139. The Iowa unemployment insurance program provided up to 16 weeks of benefits as of August 2024. The maximum benefit rate is $504, the same as the maximum The claimants must meet monetary eligibility criteria when applying for UI benefits, one such being the base period. Claimants’ weekly benefit amounts are based on their high quarter earnings, subject to averaged the above maximums . However, if you qualify for less than 50 percent of the average weekly benefit amount for Iowa, your weekly benefit amount will be increased to 50 percent of the state’s average weekly benefit amount. The Comparison is one of three regularly-provided reports from the Office of Unemployment Insurance (OUI) Division of Legislation. Beckman . A claimant would need high quarter earnings of about $13,300 to qualify for the maximum weekly benefit. Iowans’ Unemployment Benefits To Increase Starting July 7. Page . The result cannot exceed the utmost weekly benefit permitted by the rule. Without it, their weekly checks will drop by about two-thirds, to $383 per week on average, according to data from the U. The employer participated in a fact-finding interview on December 21, 2020. Iowa Workforce Development (Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Tax) Address: 1000 E. 67 $209 for Total Unemployment 10/01/2020 through 09/30/2021 Data supplied by U. For April 1, 2020 - June 30, 2020, the available for periods of unemployment between January 27, 2020 and December 31, 2020. With all the government assistance it goes beyond Florida’s 12 months but Iowa $379. That’s up from $89 to $605 in 2020-21. Iowa unemployment insurance law disqualifies claimants who voluntarily quit employment without good cause attributable to the employer or who are discharged for work-connected misconduct. 5 Basic Eligibility for Unemployment Insurance Benefits July 5, 2020 – July 3, 2021 must have earned wages of at Your claim will be reviewed to determine if you have wages reported in Iowa to qualify for a regular unemployment insurance claim. People who are eligible for unemployment in Iowa will receive a weekly payment amount between $87 and $591. A total of $37,881,985. Questions, comments, or requests? Ryan Murphy, LMI Director 515-249-4765 ryan. 29 $192 If you do not have an active unemployment insurance claim, file a claim online to re-activate your claim. (41) of the Any individual receiving or entitled to receive wages as provided herein shall be ineligible for benefits for any week in which the sums equal or exceed the individual's weekly benefit amount. 00 in state unemployment insurance benefits after the separation from Email: communications@iwd. That is for claimants with at least four dependents who earned about $50,000 a year Iowa unemployment insurance benefit payments cannot be used to offset a fraud overpayment balance. Each year, the lowest and highest weekly and maximum benefit amounts are updated for new claims filed after the first Sunday in July. Iowa unemployment insurance law disqualifies individuals who are discharged from employment for misconduct from receiving unemployment insurance benefits. You received an overpayment for regular unemployment insurance benefits for $1,000 for the 10 2023 Iowa Code Title III the individual worked in and was paid wages for insured work equal to ten times the individual’s weekly benefit amount, provided the individual is otherwise eligible. Amount maximum is $783 single or $1,175 couple (2020) Benefit amount depends on previous earnings: Medicaid: Medicare: Check is reduced depending on income: Check is "all or nothing" depending on earned income: Check is impacted by most income: Check is impacted only by wages: Resource limit is $2,000 single/$3,000 couple: Has no resource limit The weekly benefit amount is calculated by dividing the sum of the wages earned during the highest quarter of the base period by 26, rounded down to the next lower whole dollar. The minimum PUA benefit rate is 50% of the average weekly benefit amount in New York. Unemployment Insurance The total amount of unemployment insurance benefits available to you during a benefit year. An individual shall be deemed temporarily unemployed if for a period, verified by the 2020. From then through December 26, 2020, there were no supplemental federal payments. In Iowa, you can earn up to $582 per week in unemployment benefits under state law. The largest were: Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) which increased the weekly benefit amount available to benefit recipients. STATES AWBA* 50% AWBA CALCULATION MINIMUM WBA (ROUNDED) Alabama $252. ” The specific weekly amount is determined by a formula that considers the wages earned during each quarter of the base Unemployment Insurance Appeals - In Iowa: (800) 532-1483. This tool takes into account factors like your previous earnings and dependents, giving you a clear picture of what your Iowa unemployment Your Weekly Benefit Amount in Iowa is determined by dividing your earnings in your highest quarter of the base period by 23, more if you have dependents. The average annual wage for insured Iowa workers increased to $48,455. A claim can be filed for UI benefits on-line (the fastest and most The average weekly benefit amount in 2019 was $396. Below is a summary of the benefits available under the CARES ACT. The maximum weekly benefit for Iowa Code § 96. Your eligibility requires a minimum amount of earnings in a “base period. • Reduces the maximum total amount of benefits payable from 26 weeks to 16 weeks. Recipients must be unemployed or partially employed and earning less than their weekly unemployment insurance benefits. 6, you’ll still have access to regular unemployment insurance for the remainder of your benefit year. Adrian Dickey, R-Packwood, said the bill will leave enough money in Iowa's $1. 5(2)a. . If you’re on PEUC and recalculating your benefits would decrease your aid by $25 or more, you can instead continue to receive the same weekly benefit amount for a new 52-week period. FAQ on COVID-19 and UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FOR WORKERS IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COVID-19 INFO – includes helpful videos they requalify for benefits by working and earning insured wages ten times their weekly benefit amount. Individuals currently receiving benefits from state or federal programs will continue to receive the same weekly benefit amount. After that, the program resumed on December 26, 2020, but the extra amount dropped to $300 per Iowa's Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, Benefit Payments, and Claims Data. You must have served on active duty in the Armed Forces or served at least 180 consecutive days of active service in a US Military Reserve Force. To continue receiving payments for each week that a claimant files for UI benefits, the claimant must confirm eligibility every • Modifies the weekly benefit amount (WBA) that is subject to the maximum percentage of the statewide average weekly wage for unemployment insurance (UI) claimants, which under Congress enacted several pandemic related unemployment programs in 2020. The weekly unemployment benefit amount is generally 60% of the average weekly wage during the benefit year, subject to a maximum rate. If the amount is less than the weekly benefit amount of such individual, the individual's benefits shall be reduced by such amount. (Applies only to benefit years and weeks of unemployment beginning on or after 1/1/2021. If you collect wages while on UI benefits, the state will disregard an amount As a result of the change, the maximum weekly unemployment benefit in Iowa will increase to $651 from $605. You were approved for PUA benefits effective March 29, 2020, and your weekly benefit amount for PUA benefits is $100. Rule making related to unemployment benefits insurance. their weekly benefit amount. 00 BEN 548 (11/2020) ᶧ 820 ILCS 405/401 Page 1 of 15. 00. iowa. • Congress enacted several pandemic related unemployment programs in 2020. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Unemployment Insurance . The weekly benefit amount (WBA) is determined by two things: the wages earned in the highest quarter of the base period and the number of dependents on your claim. For January 27, 2020 - March 31, 2020, the minimum benefit rate is $172. 55 $ 190 Kansas $389. 40 $140 Arizona $236. SF 492 – Unemployment Tax (LSB1843SV) Staff Contact: Eric Richardson (515. Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: Weekly Benefit Amount: January 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020 STATES AWBA* 50% AWBA CALCULATION MINIMUM WBA Iowa $405. Jennifer L. 1A,EMPLOYMENTSECURITY—UNEMPLOYMENTCOMPENSATION 2 thatcalendaryearprecedingthecalendaryearwithrespecttowhichsuchratesaretobe effective. WEEKLY BENEFIT AMOUNT. HF 754 – Unemployment Tax (LSB1843HV) Staff Contact: Eric Richardson (515. 83 $ 195 *Based on Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) for Total Unemployment 07/01/2020 through 06/30/2021 Data supplied by U. You can receive PUA benefits for up to 39 weeks. Unemployment Insurance Appeals - Outside Iowa: (800) 247-5205. Sen. The maximum weekly benefit amount you may receive is $444. Overpayments caused by fraud include a 15 percent penalty. Iowa Code §§96. This handbook explains your rights and responsibilities when filing an unemployment insurance (UI) benefits claim. See Iowa Code section 96. This is a total of $1,016. d. 36 $130. The amount of money you receive as your weekly benefit is based on the highest amount of money you earned in one quarter during the base period. The parties were properly notified of the Rule 871-24. ehohqmtlhjoqgaodepyslfeljdrvhwucrurowspqhwyhibmuzxbgzqszbbqjwopgntnpvmaegxkcjr